Friday, October 15, 2010

Harry Potter Lives Here

Good Morning!
Do some of these buildings look familiar? If so, that may be because you have seen the Harry Potter films, some of which were filmed at the University of Oxford. The University of Oxford is the oldest university in the English-speaking world and dates back to the 11th century (that's about 1,000 years ago). Oxford is ranked as the top university in the United Kingdom. Students come here to study from all over the world (including Alexa's dad, who came here to study with some pediatric heart surgeons) and walking down a street in Oxford, you are likely to hear dozens of languages and accented English.

Speaking of language, here are some differences between British English and American English:

Grocery Cart=Trolley
Stroller= Pram
Carry Out= Take Away
Cookie= Biscuit
Potato Chips=Crisps
Mashed Potatoes=Bangers.

These are just a few examples of words we used while visiting here.

More photos of  Oxford:

This cemetery looks very old, and some of the headstones are, but it is still in use today. It is left overgrown so the land can serve another function--nature preserve. One small path is mowed for visitors. We thought that a lovely idea.

We are leaving tomorrow and will miss England. We hope you enjoyed reading about a few of our outings and learning about London and Oxford with us. Cheers!


  1. Hi Alexa,
    I was reading Dominic your blog and he really smiled when he heard this part: Mashed Potatoes=Bangers.
    Can't wait to see you when you get home.
    Aunt Shannon and Dominic

  2. Corey, I love the B&W picture of Alexa standing by the door. I hope that you have that in a frame!! She is just beautiful. :) It sounds like you all had a fantastic time. Your UK slang for words cracked me up. And, I loved looking at all of the photos.
    Gosh now I really want to SEE you all!!! ;)
